Summer is approaching and despite soaring gas prices, it is expected that folks will still be taking those summer road trips. This means more cars on the road which naturally means more accidents. At Springer & Lyle, we want to warn you about other accident risks related to summer vacations. Some of the top summer accidents in Denton County include: Water-related accidents including drowning. Summer weather draws people to the water. More people out with boats means more boating accidents. More people swimming in open water or in backyard swimming pools leads to more drownings or … [Read more...]
Are Pedestrians Ever Responsible for Their Own Injuries?
In 2020 in Texas, there were 4,852 crashes involving pedestrians resulting in 731 deaths and 1,211 serious injuries. This was a nine percent increase in pedestrian fatalities over 2019. Our Springer & Lyle lawyers can help if you were injured or someone you love was killed in a pedestrian accident. Many people presume that all pedestrian accidents are the fault of the vehicle driver, but that is not true. Although pedestrians have the right-of-way when they are in a crosswalk at an intersection, there are many situations where the pedestrian does not have the right-of-way and … [Read more...]